Saturday, August 31, 2019

City of God vs. The Protestant Reformations Essay

Introduction: The belief that God is present to the human mind and soul, and can be found is part of the Christian tradition. Many Christian philosophers seem to regard this as the concern only of specially devout persons and of no interest for philosophical purposes. The evidence for it, they think, it too slender to be taken seriously by academic philosophers without particular interest in religion, who tend to regard anything in the nature of religious experience as suspect. So, philosophical discussions about religion are usually concerned with rational arguments for and against theism, usually of a technical kind. In this article, I want to discuss the Augustine world with the reformist will as proposed by Martin Luther. One of the great cornerstones in the history of Christian thought, The City of God is vital to an understanding of modern Western society and how it came into being. Begun in A.D. 413 by Saint Augustine, the great theologian who was bishop of Hippo, the book’s initial purpose was to refute the charge that Christianity was to blame for the fall of Rome (which had occurred just three years earlier). Augustine’s City of God, a monumental work of religious lore, philosophy, and history, was written as a kind of literary tombstone for Roman culture. After the downfall of Rome, Augustine wrote this book to portray the corruption of Romans’ pursuit of earthly pleasures: â€Å"grasping for praise, open-handed with their money; honest in the pursuit of wealth, they wanted to hoard glory.† Augustine contrasts his condemnation of Rome with an exaltation of Christian culture. The glory that Rome failed to attain will only be realized by citizens of the City of God, the Heavenly Jerusalem foreseen in Revelation. On the other hand Hans J. Hillerbrand in his book â€Å"The Protestant Reformation† says â€Å"When the reformers who had first ventured a new interpretation of the gospel had passed from the scene, the question which had haunted the Reformation from its very inception–where is truth?–was still contested by the proponents of the old and the new faith. But one fact was beyond dispute: Western Christendom was tragically divided†¦into no less than five religious factions†¦.Though these divisions were the result of intense religious conviction, they could not help but lessen the intensity of religious belief in Europe. The Reformation of the sixteenth century was the last period in the history of Western civilization when men were preoccupied with religion, argued it, fought and even died for it. Its consequences are still with us†. Argument: The two cities in city of God and the two wills in Lutheranism No book except the Bible itself had a greater influence on the Middle Ages than the â€Å"City of God†. Since medieval Europe has been the cradle of today’s Western civilization, this work by consequence is vital for an understanding of our world and how it came into being. St. Augustine is often regarded as the most influential Christian thinker after St. Paul, and this book highlights upon a vast synthesis of religious and secular knowledge. It began as a reply to the charge that Christian otherworldliness was causing the decline of the Roman Empire. Augustine produced a wealth of evidence to prove that paganism bore within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Then he proceeded to his larger theme, a cosmic interpretation of history in terms of the struggle between good and evil: the City of God in conflict with the Earthly City or the City of the Devil. This, the first serious attempt at a philosophy of history, was to have incalculable influence in forming the Western mind on the relations of church and state, and on the Christian’s place in the temporal order. It is more than a question of setting down on paper a series of abstract principles and then applying them in practice. Christianity is more than a moral code, more than a philosophy, more than a system of rites. Although it is sufficient, in the abstract, to divide the Catholic religion into three aspects and call them creed, code and cult, yet in practice, the integral Christian life is something far more than all this. It is more than a belief; it is a life. That is to say, it is a belief that is lived and experienced and expressed in action. The action in which it is expressed, experienced and lived is called a mystery. This mystery is the sacred drama which keeps ever present in history the Sacrifice that was once consummated by Christ on Calvary. In plain words–if you can accept them as plain–Christianity is the life and death and resurrection of Christ going on day after day in the souls of individual men and in the heart of society. It is this Christ-life, this incorporation into the Body of Christ, this union with His death and resurrection as a matter of conscious experience, that St. Augustine wrote of in his Confessions. But Augustine not only experienced the reality of Christ living in his own soul. He was just as keenly aware of the presence and action, the Birth, Sacrifice, Death and Resurrection of the Mystical Christ in the midst of human society. And this experience, this vision, if you would call it that, qualified him to write a book that was to be, in fact, the autobiography of the Catholic Church. That is what The City of God is. Just as truly as the Confessions are the autobiography of St. Augustine, The City of God is the autobiography of the Church written by the most Catholic of her great saints. Evidently, the treatment of the theme is so leisurely and so meandering and so diffuse that The City of God, more than any other book, requires an introduction. The best we can do here is to offer a few practical suggestions as to how to tackle it. The first of these suggestions is this: since, after all, The City of God reflects much of St. Augustine’s own personality and is colored by it, the reader who has never met Augustine before ought to go first of all to the Confessions. Once he gets to know the saint, he will be better able to understand Augustine’s view of society. Then, no one who is not a specialist, with a good background of history or of theology or of philosophy, ought not to attempt to read the City, for the first time, beginning at page one. The living heart of the City is found in Book Nineteen, and this is the section that will make the most immediate appeal to us today because it is concerned with the theology of peace. However, Book Nineteen cannot be understood all by itself. The best source for solutions to the most pressing problems it will raise is Book Fourteen, where the origin of the two Cities is sketched, in an essay on original sin. On the other hand the protestant reformation deals with the religious movement which made its appearance in western Europe in the sixteenth century, and which, while ostensibly aiming at an internal renewal of the church, really led to a great revolt against it, and an abandonment of the principal Christian beliefs. The causes of the great religious revolt of the sixteenth century must be sought as far back as the fourteenth. The doctrine of the church, it is true, had remained pure; saintly lives were yet frequent in all parts of Europe, and the numerous beneficent medieval institutions of the church continued their course uninterruptedly. Whatever unhappy conditions existed were largely due to civil and profane influences or to the exercise of authority by ecclesiastics in civil spheres; they did not obtain everywhere with equal intensity, nor did they always occur simultaneous in the same country. Ecclesiastical and religious life exhibited in many places vigor and variety; works of education and charity abounded; religious art in all its forms had a living force; domestic missionaries were many and influential; pious and edifying literature was common and appreciated. Gradually, however, and largely owing to the variously hostile spirit of the civil powers, fostered and heightened by several elements of the new order, there grew up in many parts of Europe political and social conditions which hampered the free reformatory activities of the church, and favored the bold and unscrupulous, who seized a unique opportunity to let loose all the forces of heresy and schism so long held in check by the harmonious action of the ecclesiastical and civil authorities. Luther’s theology is his understanding of God that can be summarized as Gottes Gottheit, which means â€Å"God is God.† In the deepest sense, Luther believes that God is above all and in all. God, through his creative power, reveals that he is free and immutable. He alone can bring life into existence. He alone sustains life. He alone freely wills. Moreover, what God wills can not be impeded or resisted by a mere creature. God is all-powerful and therefore, God’s will is alone immutable. Any person, therefore, that appeals to the freedom of human will attempts to usurp for themselves an attribute that belongs only to God. The free and immutable will of God is, in Luther’s writings, fundamental to a right and proper faith. Without it, God is not God and Scripture would, therefore, have to be annulled. In BOW, Luther constantly emphasizes these two characteristics of the will of God and points out their significance for the Faith. In addition, Luther argues that God has two wills as pertains His nature: (1) the revealed will of His word and, (2) the hidden or inscrutable will. These characteristics of God’s will provide the basis for understanding and interpreting Luther’s conviction that the human will is enslaved. For Luther, the free will of God is not simply God’s limitless and unobstructed ability to choose between any set of variables in any set of circumstances. Rather, it is God’s unique ability to transcend all these variables and circumstances to perform, or not perform, any action that He desires. God’s will is not contingent upon the will of any other being. In ceaseless activity, God creates the possibilities. As such, the free will of God is most plainly revealed to humanity through His creative acts. God freely chooses to create our present reality and likewise, He freely sustains this reality. In fact, reality does not exist except by the will of God. To this all-encompassing extent then, Luther asserts that God is all in all. Nothing is that God does not declare to be. And, it is this creative power that manifests God’s freedom, His free will. In recognizing Luther’s pronounced emphasis on God’s sovereignty, Paul Althaus declares: â€Å"God is the first or principal cause, all others are only secondary or instrumental causes. They are only the tools which he uses in the service of his own autonomous, free, and exclusive working; they are only the masks under which he hides his activity†. The second characteristic of God’s   will that is crucial to Luther’s understanding of the bondage of the human will, is its immutability. That is, God’s will can not be changed, altered or impeded. The immutability of God’s will is the logical conclusion to the freedom of God’s will. God’s sovereignty and almighty power demands that whatever God wills happens by necessity. Nothing occurs contingently. God’s will does not act independently of reality, as the human will does, but rather, God’s will creates reality. In Luther’s theology, the will of God is not contingent and so likewise, the foreknowledge of God is also not contingent. For whatever God wills, he foreknows and so, whatever He foreknows must, by necessity, happen. For if it did not happen, then God would be fallible and His will contingent which Luther declares â€Å"is not to be found in God!†   It is the immutable will of God, acting freely, that provides the Christian with â€Å"the assurance of things hoped for† (Heb 11:1), namely that the promises of God will be fulfilled. As Luther suggests, â€Å"the Christian’s chief and only comfort in every adversity lies in knowing that God does not lie, but brings all things to pass immutably, and that His will cannot be resisted, altered or impeded. â€Å"Indeed, for Luther, the conviction that God’s will is free and immutable must be central to the Faith. Yet, Luther’s theology presents a problem: if God wills everything and everything He wills comes to pass then one must conclude that God wills the salvation of few and the damnation of many (cf. Mt 22:14). Luther answered this dilemma by teaching that God has two wills, the revealed and the hidden. As Luther declares in BOW, God’s decree to damn â€Å"the undeserving . . . [who are] compelled by natural necessity to sin and perish† does indeed seem horrible. Moreover, all rational and philosophical knowledge of God can not avoid the terrible reality of this conclusion, for as Luther concedes, the â€Å"injustice of God . . . is traduced as such by arguments which no reason or light of nature can resist†. Luther understands this horrible decree in light of God’s justice in two ways. For Luther, the answer to these questions is twofold: (1) we must simply believe that God’s justice is righteous because in Christ God has proven His love and compassion and, (2) we should not probe into the hidden or inscrutable will of God wherein God operates paradoxically, i.e. righteousness made evident through unrighteousness. Luther’s twofold answer to the questions of damnation reveals a high view of God’s sovereignty and majesty. Moreover, the answer is in accordance with Luther’s view that God’s will is uniquely free and immutable. The answer also demands that the Christian simply trust in God. The Christian must believe all that is revealed in Scripture, not merely those things that are pleasant to the senses, and as such, we are compelled to accept the fact that God actively chooses to reject certain people. Nevertheless, if God has said in His Word that He is loving and gracious, and He has revealed himself to be such through His forbearance with the Israelites and the glorious plan of salvation through Jesus Christ, but what right can we judge the manner in which God oversees and sustains the world? For Luther, this is precisely the point at which the Christian must heed the words of God, spoken through the prophet Isaiah: â€Å"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts† (Isa 55:8-9). Luther would likewise appeal to God’s answer to Job in Job 38-41 and the words of Paul in Romans 9:20 as yet other examples of the futility of comprehending the incomprehensible and inscrutable will of God. Luther, therefore, answers the critics of predestination and defends God’s decree to affect unbelief in people by appealing to this inscrutable wisdom and will of God, a will that cannot be understood by any attempt of human reason. Because God is God, He has the right to condemn man for sins that God works in Him.10 And so, it is by faith that the Christian simply trusts that God is righteous, loving and gracious in so working. Luther consoles the Christian by exhorting them to look only to the revealed will of God that promises salvation to all who receive Christ. Thus, He does not will the death of a sinner-that is, in His Word; but He wills it by His inscrutable will. At present, however, we must keep in view His Word and leave alone His inscrutable will; for it is by His Word, and not by His inscrutable will, that we must be guided. Yet, for Luther, knowing that God does possess a hidden and inscrutable will of God provides valuable insights for the Christian. The inscrutable will of God tempers the revealed will of God. The doctrine of the free, immutable and inscrutable will of God, therefore, contributes three important foundations to the Christian Faith: (1) God is sovereign, all-powerful and therefore, even evil is under the sway of His goodness and as such, the Christian can be certain that the promises of God will be realized, (2) humanity is not free to earn or demand anything of God and so, God’s gift of salvation can truly be called free and gracious and, (3) the Christian, in response to these truths, is properly humbled and learns, in reverent adoration, to fear God, who acts freely and immutability for His glory. In consequence of his view of God’s will, Luther’s view of the human will is necessarily placed in total subjection to the Divine. It is in this respect that Luther stands in contrast to Erasmus. Luther’s discussion of this topic is theocentric, beginning with a discussion of God and His attributes whereas Erasmus belies an anthropocentric view, beginning with human experience. For Luther, that God’s will is immutable logically demands that man’s will is mutable. For if God’s will is not contingent but immutable and free, no other will can be also be immutable and free otherwise these wills could impede one another and consequently, these wills would no longer be immutable and free but rather, they would be subject to one another. As such, Luther rightly proclaims the inconsistency of the term free will. In Luther’s writings, there are three primary considerations to consider in evaluating the characteristics of the human will: (1) the human will is mutable, (2) as a consequence of the Fall, the human will is enslaved to sin and, (3) the human will requires the grace of God, offered through the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ Jesus, to affect any positive change in a person’s life. Luther’s position on the Divine and human wills was not a small matter to him. In Table-Talk, Luther once stated in regards to his position that â€Å"I know it to be the truth, though all the world should be against it; yea, the decree of Divine Majesty must stand fast against the gates of hell.† The belief that humanity is enslaved to sin and that it is only by sovereign election that God saves a person formed the basis for Luther’s conviction of justification by grace through faith. Grace is one the most important principles of biblical interpretation to Luther and no where is divine grace more evident than in the doctrine of election. And, it is this sola gratia principle of Luther’s faith that preserves the eternal significance of Christ’s death and resurrection. It is by his sacrifice, not by our own works, that God graciously extends salvation to the elect. As Luther often remarked, to assert the freedom of the will is to deny the necessity of Christ’s atoning work. Conclusion Augustine produced a wealth of evidence to prove that paganism bore within itself the seeds of its own destruction. By means of his contrast of the earthly and heavenly cities–the one pagan, self-centered, and contemptuous of God and the other devout, God-centered, and in search of grace–Augustine explored and interpreted human history in relation to eternity. Saint Augustine examines the failure of Roman religion and the flaws in human civilization, thus creating the first Christian philosophy of history. Against the ‘city’, i.e., society, of many gods, there is but one alternate society, this Augustine calls The City of God, adopting the expression found in several of King David’s psalms. Not only is the society of many gods the society of polytheists, it is also the â€Å"city† of pantheists, atheistic materialists and philosophical Cynics. In the case of the Cynics and atheists, these false gods are the myriad gods of self, indeed, at least as many gods (selves) as there are believers in them. Thus there are two â€Å"cities†, two loves, two ways to understand the big questions of existence, two destinations. Says Augustine:   Ã¢â‚¬Å"The one City began with the love of God; the other had its beginnings in the love of self.† XIV:13. â€Å"The city of man seeks the praise of men, whereas the height of glory for the other is to hear God in the witness of conscience. The one lifts up its head in its own boasting; the other says to God: ‘Thou art my glory, thou liftest up my head.’ (Psalm 3.4) In the city of the world both the rulers themselves and the people they dominate are dominated by the lust for domination; whereas in the City of God all citizens serve one another in charity. . .† References 1. The Catholic encyclopedia The Journal Of Religion, J. Jeffery Tyler, volume 85, Part 1(2005), pages 317 – 319 Althaus, Paul. The Theology of Martin Luther. Translation of 2nd edition by Robert C. Schultz. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Fortress Press, 1966 –. Luther’s Works, Volume 31: Career of the Reformer I. ed. Philip S. Watson. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Fortress Press, 1957.

Case 7.8 First Securities Company

From the time Ladislas Nay arrived to United States at a young age of 18, he learned that this was the land of opportunity, this sense of hope allowed him to achieve â€Å"success. † However, his â€Å"success† led him to not only cheat and steal people out of their money; it also led him to steal a life filled with happiness for himself and his family. Living with this guilt, and no longer could bear the burden of deceiving widowers out of their money he committed suicide, by not only killing himself but his wife as well.This all began with Ladislas Nay working in a small brokerage firm; he worked hard learning the ropes of the business. From there he went on to work for a few more businesses before landing his final job working for the brokerage firm of Ryan-Nichols & Company. This is where it all began for Ladislas Nay, after a few years of working for Ryan-Nichols and Company; he achieved the status of becoming President of the company and had more than 90 percent o f the company’s outstanding common stock. He was very well known; he had many friends and was liked by all his clients.Ladislas Nay began his manipulation by telling his clients to invest into a fund that he was in charge of. He then turned around and used the funds to lend to other companies; these companies would pay interest on the money loaned. However, Ladislas Nay own company was not aware of him taking people’s money and loaning it to other companies. He was scamming friends and widowers into investing large amount of money into this so called â€Å"fund. † After 30 years this all came to a final end, and Nay’s scam was exposed.Everyone became aware of Nay’s so called â€Å"fund,† and how he had achieved in scheming friends out of their money. He left them with nothing, and even left one widower â€Å"penniless. † However, investors were not happy with this and decided to file a civil lawsuit in order to retrieve their millions of dollars of money they had invested with Nay. Investors felt that if Ladislas Nay’s company where investigated properly this whole scam could have been prevented. However, the courts weren’t hearing this and felt the company was investigated properly.Investors would not give up and pursued in trying to get their money back. They were in and out of court rooms, until finally the investors decided to go after the previous accounting firm. The investors filed suit against Ernst & Ernst, their defense was negligence, investors felt this type of negligence could have been avoided if only they did their jobs correctly. The accounting firm failed to comply with the General Standards rule 201, which states that agencies must exercise due professional care, professional competence, planning and supervision and having sufficient relevant data.In order for Nay to keep himself from being detected of committing fraud he had established a â€Å"mail rule,† where no one was allowed to open or touch any letters that was for him or sent to him. Auditors relied on internal evidence as their source of evidence on documents provided in order to base their opinion. Nay’s illegal act caused financial statements to be materially misstated and external auditors were not aware of his illegal acts. This type of ineffective internal control risk would have been detected by auditors if only they did their job correctly.An audit team’s responsibility is to design procedures to provide reasonable assurance that material frauds that might misstate the financial statements are detected. This would have raised a red flag and they would have approached Nay with a professional skepticism. They would have requested all documents as evidence, in order to validate whether what he was saying and stating in fact was true. Auditors would have traced all documents to test whether all events are recorded, which would have established a state of completeness. Howeve r, due to false documents, the auditors would have found Ladislas Nays of committing fraud.The courts felt differently and dismissed the case stating there was no substantive evidence to support the allegation. Investors were unhappy with this and decided to appeal this, the SEC became involved and also stated that the investors were entitled to documents that were of true statements, and the duty of the auditor is to provide this. The courts felt the auditor’s intention was not of negligence or fraudulent behavior, and decided there was not enough evidence to hold them liable for this and the court dismissed the case.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Academic and Non-Academic Writing Essay

Writing is divided into many categories, two of them being academic and non-academic writing. In order for a person to write in academic form, time, effort and money are invested in carrying out certain experiments or research concerning the field being discussed to use as evidence to support the claim. Also, citations are usually used as they have a powerful influence on the audience and tend to impel them towards believing the writer’s claim. On the other hand, non-academic writing, also referred to as personal writing, can be written by anyone at anytime as they are usually personal, emotional and impressionistic. It could discuss a person’s opinion or point of view on a certain matter. Academic and non-academic writing share a few similarities; however, their differences exceed the ways in which they are alike. Although Frehse uses many quotation in †Manage Your Own Career†, it is considered non-academic whereas Tyson’s †Working With Groups† is academic as he uses scientific evidence to support his claim. We can perceive that Frehse’s piece is non-academic from his style of writing and his usage of first and second person points ‘I, you, and we’ where he refers to himself and addresses the audience. Conversely, academic writing includes the third person point of view and that element is illustrated by Tyson’s work. He doesn’t refer to the audience as ‘you’, yet he manages to clarify his ideas through organization and the use of examples. He uses th e behavior of animals to illustrate an image of the reactions of humans to situations which give rise to the fear in them. Frehse seems to express his opinion on discovering one’s own purpose throughout his work by using phrases such as ‘I want to explore’ and ‘I believe that’. To support his claim, he uses expert quotations with the aim of getting the audience to agree with his point of view. Academic writing is usually written for those who are interested in the field, like specialists. In contrast to Frehse, Tyson uses facts in addition to observations and quoting experts to get people convinced with his argument. For example, when he mentioned that conflicts can be positive, he quoted Drucker and described his statement as ‘nicely argued’. He also described the types of group work as well as their advantages and drawbacks. So far, besides the usage of quotations to support the statements made by both writers, the only other similarity is the organization of ideas. Both used headings and subheadings to divide their work into different categories. Additionally, they are both  written for the general public. On the whole, the two pieces discuss different subjects in different manners therefore their dissimilarities can be easily identified. Academic and non-academic writing are of entire variance from one another. However, there are characteristics which are common between them like the quotations of people specialized in the field being argued with or discussed. Both writers supported their claims flourishingly and the audience would be in favor in their beliefs or statements.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

The New Colossus By Emma Lazarus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The New Colossus By Emma Lazarus - Essay Example Therefore, it is evident the poem was meant to offer new hope to the immigrants from the tribulation, miseries, and torture of Europe. She says, â€Å"Give me your tired, your poor,Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free† (Lazarus, Joseph & Emma n.p). According to the history of Emma Lazarus, one will be able to understand that the fate of immigrants. In one of the articles written focusing on her poem, the writer remarked that Emma was not affected by the issue of America’s racist attitude toward immigrants in her poem. Instead, she involved herself in politicizing the issue of immigrants through turning the American monument into one that has the history of the Jews (Lazarus, Joseph & Emma n.p). The writer noted that Emma had a welcoming gesture that was as a result of her awareness of the persecution of the Jews across the globe. Emma was also interested in Jewish culture through helping them to face the world since she was working with Jewish refugees at the Wards Island immigration center in 1882. These facts prove that she was advocating for the Jews. The other group of immigrants consisted of different people such as Latin American and was not included in Emma’s poem, which campaign to loosen their bondage. Th is is evident in the poem since Emma was zealous in helping the Jews only. That is why she states, â€Å"Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me† (Lazarus, Joseph & Emma n.p). Also, many writers criticized her poem because they did know the intention that Emma had in advocating for the protection of immigrants. The poem, â€Å"The New Colossus written by Emma Lazarus† was written at the height of immigration, which was happening in America and the world at large.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Multicast routing in mobile networking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Multicast routing in mobile networking - Essay Example MAODV is the best in communicating from the sender to the receiver nodes. Packet delivery ratio for MAODV and AODV This is the ratio between the packet of data that are actually delivered and those sent by the source.AODV been a multicast routing protocol it performs slightly better than MAODV in terms of packet delivery ratio. The ratio increase as the number of receivers decreases. These are very shocking a result since MAODV is designed to handle multiple receivers. Magld (2007) This is a ratio measured against the pause time. It also used in measuring mobility. The results are expected because this is the testing a mobile ad hoc network environment.MAODV is seen to deliver more packets as long as time is not increased .It works better than AODV and FDQA. AODV and FDQA vary slightly overtime but they are much lower in terms of success rather than MAODV. Magld (2007) FDQA is designed to deal with one QoS requirement delay .FDQA has high end-to-end delay over time. In comparison to MAODV and AODV, which has lower latency in short, term .FDQA algorithm, this is based on Fanos algorithm. The simulation I have conducted is testing the effect change in the node delay that has the success ratio. I have also tested the node delay effect on the average message overhead. The result shows the node delay positively affects both FDQA and A0DV success ratios and it has much of an effect on average message overheads for FDQA. MAODV and AODV are compared in relation to three parameters namely; Throughput, latency and packet delivery ratio.MAODV has performed slightly better but not in all of them. It has generally works better in a multicast ad hoc network environment than AODV does despite having same similarities. In comparing MAODV, AODV and FDQA I have found that MAODV has a higher performance that FDQA in relation to packet delivery ratio.FDQA algorithm has been designed to address

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Assessing Theories and Practices in Recruitment, Selection and Essay

Assessing Theories and Practices in Recruitment, Selection and Diversity Management - Essay Example Every human resource department desires to be able to hire the best fitting person for the job in terms of skills, attitude and personality. Thus companies find ways to develop and benchmark among various "good practices" in their recruitment and selection processes. This paper lays down some good practices and analyses underlying processes and theories focusing on the management of recruitment and selection programs. The paper also discusses diversity management and its effects on the program's outcomes. Companies continuously strategise to determine their competitive edge in the business world. Likewise, they need to continuously analyse the strength of their workforce including the gaps between supply and demand of available workers. Planning is a proactive move and a strategic activity that enables company to identify the needed critical skills and forecast the activities that will generate these needed critical skills. (Revelle 1995) Through the strategic workforce planning, companies will be armed with the information: what the company needs and what people will be available to meet those needs. Recruitment Processes "Garbage in - garbage out." (Armstrong 2006) Many problems in the workplace may be traced from poor workforce planning and poor implementation of the recruitment and selection programs. Many businesses, particularly those without properly installed human resource departments are guilty of these and they realize it too late when they already have unproductive and troublesome employees in their midst. Recruitment is one major function of the human resource department. It is the process of "finding the right people for the right job". (McNamara 1997) The Selection process is usually tagged along with the recruitment process together because of the interrelatedness of the functions. The recruitment aspect focuses on locating and inviting the prospective applicants. Dr. Paul R. Bernthal of Development Dimensions International gave the definition of recruitment as "the process of identifying and attracting a group of potential candidates from within and outside the organization to evaluate for employment." (2002) Once these candidates are identified then employment selection process begins. A research conducted in 2002 by Dr. Bernthal on 573 member companies of the Electronic Recruiting Exchange made important findings on best practices and trends in recruitment as well as in selection. (2002) Among the findings were that companies tend to hire external than internal candidates. This is true to mid or senior level positions. It is understandable for companies to prefer external candidates because many companies need additional skills and new breeds in their workforce. After thorough inventory of employees' skills, most companies find need for additional skills into the company thus they most often prefer to hire new employees than fill vacant positions with those from the ranks. Another finding from the DDI research was that most organizations are agreeable to increase their funds for human resource development particularly in their recruitment and selection programs. About 33% of human resource funds is allocated for recruitment and about 18% for selection processes. (Bernthal 2002) Many companies are already conscious of the importance of proper recruitment proces

Monday, August 26, 2019

Conclusion for a business proposal for Jamba Juice Essay

Conclusion for a business proposal for Jamba Juice - Essay Example It has carefully considered the target market, the potential customer bases and the ability to grow to capture the largest section of the San Antonio Airport customers. Jamba Juice has the potential of becoming a highly regarded resource both in the local market at Sana Antonio Airport, regional and the international market. Due to its aggressive marketing plan and strategy, carefully developed products, unique identity in the industry, strategic partnerships and its profitable revenue models, it has the capability and potential to give the prospective investors lucrative returns within a short time. For the business to achieve the status of the industry leader and the number one store in the airport, it must secure the initial capital. This will be used for the startup cost, establishing a reputable store front within the airport, business infrastructure, extensive marketing and product development (Maynard & Warren, 2014). Provided that the company gets this funding, Jamba Juice will achieve its operational success for many years to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Employee selection method Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Employee selection method - Essay Example Additionally, the cognitive ability test evaluates the participant’s potential or aptitude to solve job-related issues by providing data about their mental abilities such as mathematical and verbal reasoning, as well as, perpetual abilities such as speed in identifying letter in the alphabet. A good example of cognitive ability test is the aptitude test that is given to prospective employees. The advantages of the cognitive ability test are that it produces various organization outcomes such as success in training and performance. Secondly, this method can be used to predict job performance, especially for complex jobs. Thirdly, the test can be administers through paper and pencil or using computerized methods. Lastly, the method is cost-effective to administer, as the participants are time (Durai, 2010). However, there are various pitfalls that are associated with this method that include that the test is likely to differ in results because of race and gender than any other type of test administers. Lastly, the method is time-consuming in case the test is purchased off- the-

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Informal report Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Informal report - Assignment Example As a point of departure, the procedures for the survey process were agreed between the company management team and the union, which represents the workers. For instance, the issue of testing employees at mid-contract was ruled out since it undermined the workers’ rights in terms of initial appointment regulations. However, the 63% of the production and 82% of the white-collar workers agreed to have workers tested during hiring time. On the other hand, the 62% of the production and 72% of the white-collar workers agreed the workers to be tested when they appear to be under the influence of drugs. This is an indication that, the policy drafting should be flexible to accommodate the wishes of the majority workers in order to avoid the crash with the worker’s union. The survey was done using questionnaires that were distributed between the two categories of workers because they were perceived to offer lucid and reliable information (Employee Drug Testing, 26). The data coll ected was then analyzed and percentages calculated. Some of the primary areas investigated include the production and transport sections. These areas serve a fundamental role in the company in its bid to achieve the corporate citizenship. Some of the instances investigated and considered in the drafting of this policy include non-violent and physical approach to workers in convincing them to take up the drug testing exercise. In case a worker refuses to undergo a drug test, he/she should not be forced to avoid the risk of civil and criminal complaints that involves assault. Procedural consultative avenues were considered to greater extent in removing the excesses that may come along with this process of drug testing (Cresce, 23). Another factor considered during this survey is the circumstances, in which the testing should take place. In case of Random and cause, they should be clearly spelled out in the policy such that the employees can be able to know when they can be called for such

Friday, August 23, 2019

Discuss the impact of the USA's economy crisis on one or more Essay

Discuss the impact of the USA's economy crisis on one or more countries around the world. You may use USA as one country, but select at least one other - Essay Example Randall Filer, a professor of economics at Hunter College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York, stated that the financial competitiveness of some developed countries might increase despite the US economy crisis. In Martin Savidge’s newscast, WORLDFOCUS, Randall Filer specifically named Frankfurt and London as those that might benefit from the crisis. Financial contagion is a situation in which a faltering economy in one country causes otherwise healthy economies in other countries to have problems (â€Å"Financial Contagion†). A study on the financial contagion effects of the US subprime crisis on developed countries, by Horta, Mendes and Vieira, confirmed Randal Filer’s predictions (26). They found out that the financial markets in Canada, Japan, Italy, France and the UK present significant levels of contagion; as opposed to the German and Portuguese insignificant market levels of contagion (Horta et al. 26). The findings suggest the increasing dependence towards the US market, even for developed countries. The countries of the Third World can be divided into three groups: those developing rapidly, those developing moderately, and those whose economies are not developing at all (Epping 116). Those that are rapidly developing are called Newly Industrialized Countries (NICs), which include Brazil, Argentina, Hong Kong, Israel, Mexico, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, and Taiwan. The moderately developing nations compose the bulk of the Third World. The most populous of this group are India, China, Indonesia and Malaysia. And finally, the group that does not develop at all includes those countries found in sub-Sahara Africa. These countries have so few resources and so little money that development is almost impossible. Developing countries borrow money to build new infrastructures and industries in hopes of producing enough exports to pay back

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Adult -Gerontology Nurse Practitioner Research Paper

The Adult -Gerontology Nurse Practitioner - Research Paper Example It is therefore the duty of an adult-gerontology nurse practitioner to provide the required care for these patients. Reason for choosing adult-gerontology I chose the adult nurse practitioner with the emphasis on gerontology because I have previously worked in a geriatric population in the nursing homes and with hospice. My interaction with the geriatrics in these homes was an inspiration to a new challenge in advanced nursing practice. In addition, through the interaction, I gained a lot of knowledge and experience in this advanced nursing field. Also, the elderly people suffer from many ailments that result from their low immunity hence provide room for more research and experience in the nursing field thus influenced me to choose to choose this topic. Roles of an adult-gerontology nurse An adult gerontology nurse provides a special care to the old people in the nursing homes. He or she is charged with the responsibility of ensuring that the nutrition levels of the patients are as required, the patients receive medication at the correct time, the patients undergo the required daily exercises and in some instances, they are charged with the responsibility of providing psychological support to the patients. ... Apart from going to the nursing colleges, nurses they require further training in seminars and workshops organized by their institutions or even their affiliate associations (Paige and Loney, 1977). Some states are also strict on the issuance of certifications before a nurse can fully practice. Scope of practice The American Nurses Association has a set of the scope and revised guidelines for nursing practices to be followed by all nurses operating in the United States. Adult nurse practitioners are allowed to asses and diagnose patients with injuries and other common diseases. He or she is able to order for lab examination of the patient and also analyze the lab reports so as to suggest the best nursing intervention. In addition, it is within the scope of the adult nursing practitioner to have a personal relationship with the patient that would be beneficial for the treatment of the patient. However, the adult nurse practitioners are limited to make some decisions on their own. This is because certain decisions require the consent of the family members who may be absent at that time. Comparison between adult nursing practitioner and family nursing practitioner A family nursing practitioner has the skills of prevention and containing of diseases. He or she is charged with the responsibility of assessing, diagnosis and treatment of patients with acute symptoms. Due to their expertise in general medical knowledge, they can be able to handle both the young and the older patients. In addition, family nurse practitioners require only a bachelor’s degree in nursing and a license from the state government in order to operate legally. However, an adult nurse practitioner is an advanced nurse with a specialization in the care of the

Marketing in the Wine Industry Essay Example for Free

Marketing in the Wine Industry Essay There’s more in a glass of wine than meets the eye, or the palate. Wine isn’t just for the rich and affluent anymore. Everyone can enjoy wine, whether it’s a five dollar bottle or a five hundred dollar bottle. Winemakers and wine distribution companies have come up with new and exciting way to market their wines to people of every tax bracket and all walks of life. (Manda) Marketing in the wine industry is changing. Traditionally, consumers looked to opinion leaders like Robert Parker and the Wine Spectator to find the best wines on the market. While those methods are still effective, winemakers and wine enthusiasts have discovered a new way to spread the word about particular wines. Social media has become the new, hot trend in marketing in just about every industry out there right now. And the wine industry is no exception. Corkd. com is a website for wine drinkers and enthusiasts where users can create their own wine journal, wine cellar, shopping list, and connect with online drinking buddies. This website is one way the wine industry as stepped up to the plate and utilized the opportunities of the internet in marketing. â€Å"Cork’d is your pulse on the wine world and an online playground for all things wine. By collaborating with some of the smartest wine drinkers and industry figures, Cork’d is providing you with the most comprehensive, fun and exciting wine content available. Whether you’re a winery looking for exposure or an events company looking to promote or host a tasting, Cork’d wants to talk to you. Our mission is to breakdown the stereotypes, myths and pretenses surrounding wine culture to help you discover and drink better wines. † (corkd. com) Another factor changing the wine industries marketing strategies is where consumers are buying wine. Chain stores and supermarkets have taken over wine distribution from wholesalers. Costco has become one of the largest wine retailers in the United States. According to Michael Roberto, â€Å"Theres no question that a seismic shift is occurring at the retail and wholesale level. The number of alcoholic beverage wholesalers in the U. S. has decreased by 75 percent since the 1960s. At the retail level, wine sales are increasingly shifting to supermarkets, wholesale clubs, and the like. For instance, Robert Mondavi now sells 10 percent of its wine in unit terms through Costco. These changes in the retail and distribution channels present substantial challenges for wineries, of course, because these powerful players such as Costco have much more clout and bargaining power than small liquor stores. Smaller vineyards often can find it more difficult to secure shelf space, and all wineries find themselves facing pricing pressure from the retail and distribution channels. † Even though many wineries do not like the changes and small retail shops are suffering because of this shift, many consumers are actually profiting from these changes. Winemakers have found another fun way to market their wines simply with their labels. The new â€Å"trend† in the wine business is a funky label. Traditionally, wine labels were simple and to the point. The label had the name of the vineyard, the year, and basic information about the wine in a simple fashion. Recently, winemakers have started to get creative with the names of their wines and the design of their bottles and labels. Now, when you walk down an aisle in a store filled with different wines there are many different bottles that stick out because of loud colors, wild pictures, or crazy names on the label. This is a great form of marketing to use for wine because the bottle itself is a great marketing tool. Many consumers will buy a bottle of wine just because they like how the bottle looks or maybe they are giving it as a gift and the title is something catchy that conveys some type of message that relates to the person who is receiving the wine. For example, there is a wine called â€Å"Bitch† wine. The wine itself is not bad, but its nothing to rave about. One of the main reasons that particular wine is so popular is because of the name. The label is black with pink script font with â€Å"Bitch† printed on the front, and on the back it just repeats the name of the wine over and over again. This wine is marketed to women and is a perfect gift to give a friend as a joke they can enjoy. Women have become a hot target market for wine makers. According to the 2006 Adams Wine Handbook, Men prefer beer; women prefer wine, Many women are emerging as winemakers and marketers are realizing the potential for profit in female consumers. â€Å"Women make up 52 percent of the adult population and purchase 57 percent of the wine consumed in the United States. 1 They represent a huge market with great purchasing power that until recently has been overlooked. According to experts, women are less influenced by wine ratings, as they tend to judge the entire product. Although the wine quality is important to women, so are the label design, the bottle shape and the philosophy of the winery. † (Wine Institute) While there are many new ways to market wine, the traditional methods are still widely used. Promotion in the wine industry is all about putting the name of the winery on everything from wine keys to wine bags to key chains to hats. Wine distribution companies have always been know to give out free merchandise with the name of the wines they sell everywhere. This is a great way to advertise. Consumers love to receive free things and that opens up a great opportunity for wineries to advertise with little cost. California former governor Arnold Schwarzenegger proclaimed September as â€Å"Wine Celebration Month†, also known as California Wine Month. This is another great way for wineries to get their name and wines out in the public. DiscoverCalifornaiWine. com states, â€Å"September is California Wine Month, and that makes it a fine time to enjoy a glass of California wine and a visit to wine country. September is harvest time in California and California Wine Month celebrates the state’s ideal climate for wine, beautiful wine country landscape, our talented and ingenious winemaking families, our celebrated lifestyle and cuisine; and our commitment to sustainability and the environment. † Another trend in the world of wine is sustainability and organics. Many vineyards around have become 100 percent sustainable and the numbers are growing. The new world culture is all about reducing our carbon and ecological footprint. So many wineries have actually capitalized on this idea. Wineries have begun to include their efforts at social responsibility in their advertising. Which caters to a growing market of consumers, as many people nowadays will only buy organic. Tolosa is a winery that has recently dedicated itself to sustainability and creating wine without harming the environment. One if their brochures stated that, â€Å"In August 2009 Tolosa converted to solar electrical generation. This system will provide the winery’s electrical energy for the next 25 years. CO2 emissions reduced by over 500 tons. This is equivalent to planting nearly 100 acres of trees. † Tolosa is one of the many wineries’ that has begun to capitalize on sustainability. The times have changed and so have marketing strategies of the wine industry. The wine industry is booming more than ever. Success in the wine industry is possible whether a company uses new or old marketing techniques. In this new age, the marketing department should focus on women and social media. As Tinckenell and Tincknell, a wine consulting and marketing firm, have written on the front page of their website MarketingWine. com, â€Å"If it doesnt come from the heart, the message will be hollow. If you dont imagine it first, someone else will. If it isnt inspired and creative, it wont get noticed. Each link in the marketing process the heart, the mind, and creativity communicates your story to the world. † Works Cited About Cork’d  « Corkd Content. Corkd Content. Web. 20 June 2011. http://content. corkd. com/about/. Discover California Wines : California Wine Month. Discover California Wines : Welcome to Discover California Wines. Web. 20 June 2011. http://www. discovercaliforniawine. com/learn/california-wine-month. The Changing Structure of the Global Wine Industry (2004). Michael Roberto. Salls, Manda. Marketing Wine to the World — HBS Working Knowledge. HBS Working Knowledge Faculty Research at Harvard Business School. Web. 20 June 2011. http://hbswk. hbs. edu/item/3910. html.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Battleship Potemkin By Sergei Eisenstein Film Studies Essay

Battleship Potemkin By Sergei Eisenstein Film Studies Essay Battleship Potemkin (1925) is a typical illustration of a film that led to become a sign for revolution. One can argue how this particular work attempted to form a new cinema, and through critically looking at the films theme/ideology, narrative structure, filmmaking techniques and editing (montage), with paying close attention to the Communist ideology, Imagism, Marxism, Futurism, the Hegelian theory, and Mexican influence one can justify that Eisenstein founded the start to this new cinema. Imagine a cinema which is not dominated by the dollar; a cinema industry where ones man pocket is not filled at other peoples expense; which is not for the pockets of two or three people, but for the heads and hearts of 150 million peopleà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Suddenly a new cinema arises. (Sergei Eisenstein, 1926) It was without a doubt a moment for specifically Sergei Eisenstein creating a benchmark in cinema history, a means of promotion to become a Bolshevik (a communist) and of course; a new overall experience that began for cinema screening audiences in the 1920s that was not dominated by the dollar but reached into the hearts of the audience. The recent Bolshevik state saw film as a vital tool in the revolutionary struggle, and immediately set about reconstructing the film industry. (Annette Kuhn, 1991: 3) Thus, in reconstructing the film industry, a new cinema was formed. The society looked back on the 1905 Russian Revolution ushering an era of much change in not only the society structure but in the arts field. It was what anyone could understand it as a chance to shed some new light, to bring something new to the shelves, to be creative, to rebel on the past and most of all to become new. This was inevitably a chance for Eisenstein, with all his influence from past Directors and with the success of Eisensteins Strike (1925), to become an historical figure and role model to future films and directors. Battleship Potemkin was inevitably created in order to celebrate the abortive Revolution (Annette Kuhn, 1991: 3) Eisenstein then, with which we clearly see in this film, fed off the Potemkin rebellion as the central metaphor for the Revolution. The propaganda is seen to be Marxist propaganda for it merely being a socio-political view that surrounds a political ideology (Avineri, 1968: 6) of the Russian revolution. We can also see the films techniques through Imagism; Images used to create a new image (Avineri, 1968: 8) and finally Cubism; Putting together several perspectives into one frame which creates one overall message. (Avineri, 1968: 14) New cinema can also be seen through how Russian film-makers found themselves in an industry almost completely devoid of native traditions. (Karel Reisz, 1954: 6) Thus, these film makers had a) nothing that they had to follow, stick to and carry on with and b) had a big opportunity to incorporate a new cinema. One could only imagine that there directors thus became propagandists and teachers to the society and had a task to use film medium as a means of instructing the masses in the Russian Revolution and to train a young generation of film-makers to fulfill a task (Karel Reisz, 1954: 7) Thus, this opened doors for filmmakers such as Eisenstein to set about finding new ways to express ideas in order to communicate the Russian Revolution, and secondly, to develop a theory of filmmaking that could be seen as a benchmark in cinema history. Instead of only taking a look into the historical background of this film (the Revolution) one can also see the influence that Eisensetiens background had on the coming together of this film, and the new cinema aspects and techniques. Eisenstein went to Mexico where he went to help his friend film the country. The whole country was montage-editing theoretically speaking; the way we see birth to death is all but a continuous cycle. (Marilyn Fabe, 2004: 48) Inevitably this could be apparent anywhere in the world, but we can see a link with the goddesses and catholic saints that clearly relates to Mexico. Thus, one can argue that this is a metaphor for Mexico seen to Eisenstein as well as an influence. Typage is a term used to describe that characters in this film were chosen based on their type, rather than their star reputation. Not only does this conflict with Classic Hollywoods star structure, but it fed off on to Italian Neorealism, as one can see in Bicycle Thieves. (1948) Typage is purely to enhance realism and make the audience feel like they can relate as such characters are common, every day, people. This technique also influences the emotional response (stimuli) and engagement from the audience, who are ideally the critiques of all means of art. The effect that Typage has on this film, is that it not only takes power and sentiment away from the political statement as much as possible but correlates the message more to the action, rather than to the individual actor matter and power. It is clear that if one takes new cinema into perspective, and correlates it with new-found means of filmmaking montage editing was evidentially the new foundation of film art. There is no art without conflict, Sergei Eisenstein (1926) once wrote and thus we see that he merely created conflict by the juxtaposition of shots, which created an underlying symbolic meaning that can be seen through realism, compressing of time and audience engagement and is inevitably more important than the mise-en-scene. Thus becoming new to the screens as mise-en-scene can be argued as the most important aspect to past film directors. For someone who doesnt understand montage, it is simply briefly understood as the cutting of shots and then bringing them back together. We can see that through all the cutting and putting back of shots, it produces one overall idea which ties in with the story line. Lev Kuleshov (1970) explains this best when he correlates images of his facial expressions cut to a woman playing with a baby, and then the same facial expression cut to a woman in her bikini. It immediately changes the idea behind the shot. The relationship of shots can either be seen as similar, or contrary, can be seen as opposite. This is where conflict comes into play and forms a message. For example, when two men enter from either sides of the screen with guns or swords in hand, the juxtaposition creates significance by signifying conflict between the two men, but also signifies that they will unite. Montage also enhances movement. Early films that would go on for hours on end would drag out the movement to tell a story. However, the jump-cutting still creates a known-movement without the characters actually following through the whole entire movement. Ideally the editing takes place in the removal of the body, and the audience is shown the introduction and conclusion of the movement. Thus, we can gather what the body entailed for it to have gotten to the conclusion. Reference to this can be seen in Odessa Steps scene analysis to follow. When looking back at the earliest films, some of them hours and hours long, we can understand when watching this film that not only did editing enhance the viewing experience of the audience, but it cut down shots that need not be shown. Thus, resulting in a film only 80 minutes long with over 1000 shots, compared to the regular 90minute film with half the amount of shots. (Marilyn Fabe, 2004: 48) However, it was not only about enhancing the viewing experience, but was also about a tool for education and propaganda, thus creating a powerful narrative structure. With reference back to the Juxtaposition conflict between shots was not only about using shots up against each other that were so different, yet flowed, but an underlying meaning also added to this new cinema. As what I can begin to understand it as a conflict of innocence vs. violence; as one can see when the young child is trampled by the laborers and when the mother brings attention to the soldiers. Throughout this film, innocence and violence become so apparent and inevitably enhances the political and social statement of the Russian Revolution. This movement feeds off into repetition, rhythm, and content. When shots are repeated often it can either bring a story together or it can take a story back to that time (as we see in many films today that jump cut to the future, or likewise to the past) and it can enhance fear or contrary, bring a calm atmosphere to the audience. The rhythm aspect of montage is ideally a series of shots that create the rhythm and movement motion, which can be used to add suspense or to compress time. Juxtaposition of shots with intended detail added; inevitably creates the content as we can see in Lev Kuleshovs (date) example above. This feeds off to the metaphor of the film, which in this case is the Russian Revolution. Battleship Potemkin is centered around five sub-themes. These can be seen through Men and Maggots; Drama on the Quarterdeck; An Appeal from the Dead; The Odessa Steps; Meeting the Squadron. ( 26/04/2011) The above sub-themes can be seen to in many wayscorrespond with the historical reminiscence of the Russian Revolution event in order to execute the revolution metaphor. This is seen as the plot outline. In men and Maggots, this scene cleverly shows the political and social condition which enhances the realism in this film and introduces the environment of which the story will be told. We are shown the uniforms, the battleship and the cleaning of the ship with boiling soup this can be seen as a metaphor for how they are slowly but surely arriving at boiling point. Here we are also shown The Hegelian theory. The Hegelian theory is a theory that plays a huge role in Battleship Potemkin. It inevitably means that this film holds a utilitarian purpose as well as an artistic purpose. ( 26/04/2011) Thus, meaning that this is propaganda along side art. This is used by Eisenstein mainly to affect the viewers, and actually create meaning and effect in their own personal subjective social and political views. Eisenstein used a psyhco-psychical approach which ideally re-moulds the reflexes of humans and gives them a new perspective on the revolution, leading them in a preferred direction ( 26/04/2011)and can personally be seen as manipulative way. Inevitabely, one can then see through this film, that he enhances a physiological consciousness as his film illustrates happenings and actions instead of just portraying emotions. -Which refers back to Typage. This is effectively portrayed in the Odessa Steps sequence which will be analyzed below. However, in Men With Maggots, we are shown the contrast of faces of offices in conflict with the crew. As what follows from the effect of this theory is the two contrasting forces interim to create a third meaning, thus a third force. This goes back to the example of the two men entering either sides of the frame, and of course, the Lev Kuleshov theory. As we can see in Drama on the Quarterdeck, a subjective-camera is used to add sentiment, and create more realism. We can thus, fully feel and understand the emotion behind the bodies hanging the terror and disgust. In this scene, I also find the cross-cut very interesting in meaning as it shows a connection and linkage between the place of prayer and the rulers. This can illustrates power, or likewise, Eisenstein is portraying a meaning behind belief of the rulers. In the next scene, Appeal from the Dead the one thing that stuck out was the close-up. The close-up of the fist which becomes bigger as the camera sweeps in on it, and as we are shown a fist that slowly clenches as the masses finally make a decision to revolt. It brings about power in the frame and emotion. Close-ups used in this film suck sentiment out to the audience, and are cleverly used on rare occasion to enhance the effect even more. The Odessa Steps is probably the most iconic scene in this film, and effectively portrays such editing to an audience who have never experienced such before. This scene uses montage to build tension; singular moments of fear and terror that finally provoke a violent emotional response from the audience. In this scene one can also clearly see how typage comes into play, and how it enhances the motional response as this scene portrays the force of the action rather than the individual roles of the men and woman. Here we are also shown the laborers scrambling down the steps from a high angled shots not only showering the meaning behind power, but shows the action on a whole and not from one main characters perspective, as we would see in Classic Hollywood. Here we are also shown conflict forces with the disordered rush of masses coming down the steps in relation to the soldiers. If we look at the Odessa Steps in far more detail, we can start to understand how this scene was the turning point in not only Eisensteins career, in history, but also in the film. We are shown close-ups of the laborers facial expressions in relation and in conflict to long shots of the scene as a whole the action of what is actually happening. The rhythm is also increased tremendously, which increases the intensity and emotions of the scene. Lastly, a turnaround of downward movement cleverly portrays the crowds movement in conflict, to the emotions of the woman crying with the baby. And finally, in the last act; Meeting the Squadron we are illustrated by suspense. The shots are slow in rhythm, however, there is a sense of strong unity. In conclusion, one can justifiably argue that Battleship Potemkin attempted to form a new cinema through Eisenstein using the Russian Revolution as a metaphorical benchmark for fresh, innovative ideas that were seen through mainly montage editing, as well as propaganda. As Eisenstein (date) said, We tried to take the historical events just as they were and not to interfere in any shape, manner or form, with the process as it was actually taking place to still bring reality to the screens to portray a real event.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

History of Foreign and Security Policy

History of Foreign and Security Policy Defining Foreign and Security Policy from the Cold War to Present Today’s increasingly globalised community has seen more diplomatic and social evolution in the past half-century than the civilized world has seen in recent memory. The advent of multinational trade and military alliances such as the North Atlantic Trade Organization has increasingly intertwined security policies with foreign policies, which in turn entail more than just military alliances. Foreign subsidies by way of fiscal aid grants and weapons contracts warrant the need for nations to adopt solid, transparent foreign and security policies as the traditional global threat of warfare changes. The most notable examples for security and foreign policies as well as the need for a national and supranational governmental monitor are the United States and the European Union. The aforementioned two bodies share between them diplomatic ties to most every member of the international community. The onus of foreign and security policies becomes more apparent through examination of dipl omatically fragile and militarily-temperamental regions such as the Middle East, whose international agreements and regional alliances are the basis for subsequent American and EU policy, without which allies and trade partners would find little benefit from trade and security agreements. Foreign policy amounts to little more than a series of political guidelines and rules of engagement by which any country implementing it best gains at a certain point in time. Foreign policies are known to change radically from one year to the next; the Cold War is perhaps the greatest testament to the temporal nature of international relations and foreign policy. Robert John Myers notes in his US Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century how quickly Western countries changed their approach to the Soviet Union. Prior to 1945 â€Å"during the savage struggle of World War II, the primacy of the wisdom of political realism seemed to have been learned† by the Allies, who interlocked â€Å"inte rest, power, and morality in the councils of the principal Allied power†[1]; the USSR at the time was an indispensable ally against Germany and Japan. Much to the chagrin of their current political detractors, the Soviets were perhaps the most powerful ally America had in the war against the Axis powers, with borders spanning the heart of the Nazi regime and maritime waters bordering the Imperial Japanese. Foreign policy then had nothing to do with the civil liberties, democracy, and freedom of the press so touted today in the same countries that huddled together in opposition to Moscow during the Cold War. Prior to the partition of Germany at the close of the war, it was easily recognizable that â€Å"wartime cooperation to defeat the Axis was clearly important† and Allied foreign policy toward its Soviet contingent was one of camaraderie and mutual interdependence[2]. Once the war ended, however, the close ties between the powers dissipated and politically malignant a ntipathy filled the void. With a barely nascent United Nations absent as policy moderator, the US and the USSR led a series of proxy wars starting with â€Å"the attack by North Korea on South Korea on 25 June 1950,† marking â€Å"the limited cooperation [and mediation] that came to be expected from the UN in the security field†[3]. International mediation, which should have taken place given the alliance that transpired between the US, USSR, and Europe during WWII was all but gone in the years of reconstruction and the escalation of the Cold War. There are two points of speculation given the rise of the Cold War: the first is that the United Nations failed as an international mediator, and the second is that the United Nations was obsolete, serving only to keep other countries out of the periphery of the Soviet-American struggle for dominance. The difference between foreign and security policy during the Cold War was elementary. The American foreign policy toward the Soviet Union was one of mutual trade and sales, the development of which was speculated by many to be a financial insurance policy; if the two superpowers intertwined economically, the idea of armed struggle would be so financially devastating that neither side would be willing to continue along the path to war. American security policy was markedly different given the proxy wars fought in Korea, Vietnam, and the Middle East. Foreign policy essentially existed in the case of the Cold War to ensure that security policy would never be employed. The Cold War was a fascinating case of how foreign policy and security policy could run completely contrarian to each other. Any two given nations can foster amicable foreign policies in their approach to each other independent of a covertly hostile security policy as evidenced by the oft-shifting approach of successive American administrations to the Soviet behemoth. Jimmy Carter, for example, â€Å"forbade grain sales to the Soviet Union following the nation’s invasion of Afghanistan in 1979,† while â€Å"Ronald Reagan made the unpopular embargo an issue in the 1980 elections, reversing the policy after his election†[4]. The Reagan policy shift did not predicate a change in security policy, as the administration continued its support of Afghan mujahideen forces through arms sales and finance while continuing its agricultural trade with Moscow. It is now well-known that the UN was inconsequential in international mediation throughout the Cold War. This is not to say that an international or supranational regulatory body is not needed; in the case of the US and USSR, the absent (and perhaps powerless) UN was perceived as such because their collective power was dwarfed by the two superpowers. With no military or financial incentive, the question of the relevance of a supranational regulatory body in foreign and security policy is moot. Even today, American foreign policies often contravene UN resolutions with little or no repercussion due to the immense economic, political, and military might of Washington. While the Cold War ended relatively peacefully without UN intervention, the concept of an international body was not scorned by the US, which partnered with various countries to create the North Atlantic Trade Organization (NATO). It should be noted, however, that the US was an open advocate of NATO for the very reason tha t the UN was not potent enough a body to act on American will or on behalf of American aspirations. International mediation in this sense is needed for the monitoring of foreign and security policy; whether or not mediation will be effective in both sectors is quite another issue. Foreign policy can be monitored, policed, and even dictated by a supranational body as evidenced in the partition of Germany and the formation of the Eastern Bloc post-WWII. Security policy, however, is a point of major contention with any nation faced with the prospect of supranational control. Any nation with major investment (diplomatic or financial) abroad would be reluctant to cede jurisdiction of its own soldiers and sovereignty to an outside body, especially one such as the UN whose member list consists of nations antagonistic to one another. The irony here is that a multi-national group could have foreign and security policy power over a nation whose security policy is antagonistic to one or more members of the same international group. Israel, for example, would embark on an unprecedented leap of faith if it allowed the UN and its Arab members to mediate its security policy, all despite the fact that from the first years of its inception (1948-1967) the Jewish state relied o n the UN to justify its existence to the international community. The multi-faceted Arab-Israeli conflict is just one example of how unchecked world superpowers exerted their influence unchecked by the vigil of an international body. Prior to the fall of the Soviet Union, foreign policy was a much simpler venture as the world found itself functioning under the umbrella of just two superpowers, led by and acting under the auspices of either Washington or Moscow. The fall of Communism left a vacuum in the Middle East, as the now-extinct USSR had no allegiances to the Middle East in which it fought a series of proxy wars and conflicts with the United States. What transpired following the end of Moscow’s reign as a world superpower was the creation of several diplomatically independent states in the Middle East. Where Moscow once supported Syria, Egypt, and Iraq while arming said nations’ leaders, they found themselves increasingly dependent on other sources for trade and international subsidy such as the EU and the United States. The foreign policy then drove the security policy, baited by American and EU sponsorship acting independently of the UN. Today, Egypt, once the sworn enemy of Israel (whose cl osest international ally is Washington), receives America’s second-largest international aid package. This of course is contingent upon the maintenance of a lasting peace as well as other conditions detailed in the Camp David Accords of 1978. The UN and the EU’s parts in the conflict were minimal, as security policies of the two comprised of a minimal militaristic component and a far larger foreign policy component. Pinar Bilgin observes in Regional Security in the Middle East how the fragile Mediterranean â€Å"as an alternative spatial representation began to take shape from the 1970s onward largely in line with the development and changing security conception and practices of the European Union,† a group whose policies toward the region â€Å"have been shaped around three major concerns: energy security (understood as the sustained flow of oil and natural gas at reasonable prices); regional stability (understood as domestic stability especially in countries in geographically North Africa); and the cessation of the Israel/Palestine conflict†[5]. Unlike the US and USSR, whose motives will be examined later, the EU was interested solely in the protection of their economic preservation and the prevention of any armed conflict from spilling into their geographic vicinity. In addition to the Arab-Israeli crisis, EU Member States such as Italy, France, and Spain faced growing resentment in the Maghreb (Arab North Africa) as a corollary of imperial European rule. The EU’s policies were hence different from â€Å"non-EU actors [who] encouraged and supported the search for security within a Euro-Mediterranean framework†; the EU has almost â€Å"single-handedly sought to construct a Euro-Mediterranean Region to meet its own domestic economic, societal, and, to a much lesser extent, military security interests†[6]. The American and Soviet interest in the region was also one of economic, political, and security nature, bu t on a much larger scale. Buzan and Waever note in their Regions and Powers: The Structure of International Security how: â€Å"The United States and the Soviet Union were latecomers as major players in Middle Eastern regional security, though the former had long-standing oil interests there. The two superpowers were drawn into a pattern of regional turbulence that was already strongly active. Their interest in the region was heightened by the fact that, like Europe, the Middle East sat on the boundary between the spheres of communism and ‘free’ worlds. Stalin’s aggressive policy after 1945 had pushed Turkey and Iran into the arms of the West. Turkey became a member of NATO, and was thus fixed into the main European front of the Cold War. Until the Islamic Revolution in 1979, Iran fell increasingly under American sway, not only through corporate oil interests, but also as part of the loose alliance arrangements that connected American containment clients in Turkey, Iran, and Pakistan. To counter this US success right on its borders, the Soviet Union tried to play in the Arab world b ehind this front line, by establishing political and military links to the radical regimes and movements that sprang up in the Middle East during the 1950s and 1960s (Syria, PLO, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Yemen)†[7] The entire Middle East, ranging from Egypt to Iran, became what Buzan and Waever describe as a â€Å"third front in the Cold War, after Europe and Asia, and its oil resources tied it powerfully into the global economy†[8]. The Camp David Accords were especially important; while Israeli security policies remained virtually unchanged (the Israeli-Egyptian peace is frequently described as â€Å"cool† in comparison to Israeli-Turkish relations), their foreign policies shifted. The two acted under the auspices of the United States, signalling a significant achievement in the Cold War. Though the â€Å"crosscutting complexities of internal alignments in the Middle East† make it â€Å"difficult to trace a clear Cold War pattern of great power intervention,† the small gains and losses in war and political action were of huge consequence. With the 1978 signing of the Camp David Accords, the United States shifted its foreign policy in the Arab world successfully, sp litting allegiances in the Middle East to one drawn along Arab lines to one drawn along foreign policy lines. With Turkey and Iran (at least until Tehran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution) securely in the American camp, the Middle East was thus left only with Syria and Iraq in alliance with the USSR. Conflict in the Middle East was hence capitalized upon by the United States by way of foreign policy, which existed independently of the nations’ security policies. Foreign policies always shift more easily than security policies, as the former serve the interest of a nation’s economy and the latter are charged with the military protection of a nation’s sovereignty, diplomatic or otherwise. As evidenced by the Cold War, American policies in Iraq alone have shifted dramatically. Prior to 1979, for example, American foreign and security policies were in place to secure its interests (Saudi Arabia and Israel) from Baghdad. From 1979 to 1991, American foreign policies toward Iraq remained the same, but its security policies shifted to accommodate Iraqi military suppression of post-revolutionary Iran. From 1991 to 2003, both foreign and security policies shifted to those of aggression and financial seclusion. It should be noted that until 1991, these foreign policy shifts were executed at the whim of three American presidents. Iran followed the same path, with pre-1979 Tehran under Reza Shah Pahlavi serving as a vital blockage to Soviet expansionism. Following the Islamic Revolution of 1979, security policy was hostile toward and sought to exclude Tehran by funding Saddam Hussein. Foreign policy changed during the Contra Scandal, wherein American military leaders sold Tehran various munitions and weapons in direct subterfuge of Washington’s official military support of Baghdad; weapons were sold to a lesser evil (Iran) in order to fund covert operations in support of Nicaraguan right-wing guerrillas. Managua’s leftist-government was thought to be the latest expansion of Soviet influence and was hence a closer threat in physical proximity than the rise of the radical Islamic government of Tehran which was equally opposed to the Soviets at the time. All this transpired, again, without minimal monitoring by an international body. The greatest irony of the aforementioned events, however, is the perception of their respective successes and failures. America succeeded without international intervention in the pacification and dismantlement of the Soviet Union; however, today’s chaotic Middle East was a corollary, including the 9/11 attacks that changed forever the security and foreign policies of the United States. The current wars waged by America and what allies remain are again largely conducted without the support or monitoring by the UN or any other international body, and it remains to be seen how the future will unfold. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bilgin, Pinar. (2005) Regional Security in the Middle East: A Critical Perspective.London: Taylor Francis Routledge. Buzan, Barry and Ole Waever. (2003) Regions and Powers: The Structure ofInternational Security. Cambridge: Cambridge U P. Myers, Robert John. (1999) US Foreign Policy in the Twenty-first Century: TheRelevance of Realism. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State U P. Wilson, Ernest J. (2004) Diversity and US Foreign Policy: A Reader. New York:Taylor Francis Routledge. 1 Footnotes [1] Myers 1999, p. 98 [2] Ibid [3] Myers 1999, p. 98 [4] Wilson 2004, p. 127 [5] Bilgin 2005, p. 140 [6] Bilgin 2005, p. 140 [7] Buzan and Waever 2003, p. 198 [8] Buzan and Waever 2003, p. 197

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Power of Love in Wuthering Heights Essay -- Literary Analysis

Wuthering Heights is a novel which deviates from the standard of Victorian literature. The novels of the Victorian Era were often works of social criticism. They generally had a moral purpose and promoted ideals of love and brotherhood. Wuthering Heights is more of a Victorian Gothic novel; it contains passion, violence, and supernatural elements (Mitchell 119). The world of Wuthering Heights seems to be a world without morals. In Wuthering Heights, Brontà « does not idealize love; she presents it realistically, with all its faults and merits. She shows that love is a powerful force which can be destructive or redemptive. Heathcliff has an all-consuming passion for Catherine. When she chooses to marry Edgar, his spurned love turns into a destructive force, motivating him to enact revenge and wreak misery. The power of Heathcliff’s destructive love is conquered by the influence of another kind of love. Young Cathy’s love for Hareton is a redemptive force. It is her love that brings an end to the reign of Heathcliff. Heathcliff and Catherine have loved each other since their childhood. Initially, Catherine scorned the little gypsy boy; she showed her distaste by â€Å"spitting† at him (Brontà « 27). However, it was not long before Heathcliff and Catherine became â€Å"very think† (Brontà « 27). They became very close friends; they were practically brother and sister (Mitchell 122). Heathcliff is intent upon pleasing Catherine. He would â€Å"do her bidding in anything† (Brontà « 30). He is afraid of â€Å"grieving† her (Brontà « 40). Heathcliff finds solace and comfort in Catherine’s company. When Catherine is compelled to stay at Thrushcross Grange to recover from her injury, she returns as â€Å"a very dignified person† (Brontà « 37). Her association with the gente... ...d to Cathy. He desires to be accepted by her. Cathy willingly loves and accepts Hareton. It is this love which reforms Hareton and dispels the tyranny at Wuthering Heights. Heathcliff’s love brought about destruction; Cathy brings redemption to the Heights through her love. Brontà «Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Wuthering Heights shows the real effects of love; love has the power to create evil or good. Primary Source Brontà «, Emily. Wuthering Heights. Mineola, NY: Dover Publications, 1996. Print. Secondary Sources Berg, Maggie. Wuthering Heights: The Writing in the Margin. New York: Twayne, 1996. Print. "Characteristics of Victorian Literature." Homewood City Schools. Web. 8 Dec. 2010. . Mitchell, Hayley R., ed. Readings on Wuthering Heights. San Diego: Greenhaven, 1999. Print.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Mathematics of Bubbles in Beer :: Math Carbonation

Refraction Refraction is what happens to light when it passes from one medium to another. For example, things appear differently from the bottom of a swimming pool than on the top. Simplistically, refraction is the bending of light. The explanation for this phenomenon, however, can be described with light as rays and light as waves. No matter the case, it is important to remember that the speed of light is constant in every homogeneous medium, regardless of shape, size or form. The index of refraction Light travels ( in certain substances ) at a fraction of the velocity if it travelled in a vacuum. The index of refraction is the inverse of this fraction. Thus, this number is greater than or equal to 1. This index is also specific to light, so different light in different mediums have different indices. For example, here is a table of indices: Material Index Vacuum 1.00000 Air at STP 1.00029 Ice 1.31 Water at 20 C 1.33 Acetone 1.36 Ethyl alcohol 1.36 Sugar solution(30%) 1.38 Diamond 2.417 So let's observe the effect of refraction in terms of rays. A ray strikes the surface between substance I and substance R. The angle i between the incoming ray and the normal vector at the boundary is called the angle of incidence, and the angle r between the refracted ray and the normal vector on the opposite side is called the angle of refraction. This is related in the following law, called Snell's Law: ni sin i = nr sin r. For red light in air hitting water this gives sin r = sin i/1.33 Solving for Snell's Law for r gives the relation r = arcsin (sin i/n) Explicit Calculation In simple ray tracing, a ray originates at a point P at a directional vector v, which is of unit length. This is the set of all points P+tv where t is a non-negative scalar. When the ray hits the boundary between two different substances, it will refract, and begin a new ray. The Mathematics of Bubbles in Beer :: Math Carbonation Refraction Refraction is what happens to light when it passes from one medium to another. For example, things appear differently from the bottom of a swimming pool than on the top. Simplistically, refraction is the bending of light. The explanation for this phenomenon, however, can be described with light as rays and light as waves. No matter the case, it is important to remember that the speed of light is constant in every homogeneous medium, regardless of shape, size or form. The index of refraction Light travels ( in certain substances ) at a fraction of the velocity if it travelled in a vacuum. The index of refraction is the inverse of this fraction. Thus, this number is greater than or equal to 1. This index is also specific to light, so different light in different mediums have different indices. For example, here is a table of indices: Material Index Vacuum 1.00000 Air at STP 1.00029 Ice 1.31 Water at 20 C 1.33 Acetone 1.36 Ethyl alcohol 1.36 Sugar solution(30%) 1.38 Diamond 2.417 So let's observe the effect of refraction in terms of rays. A ray strikes the surface between substance I and substance R. The angle i between the incoming ray and the normal vector at the boundary is called the angle of incidence, and the angle r between the refracted ray and the normal vector on the opposite side is called the angle of refraction. This is related in the following law, called Snell's Law: ni sin i = nr sin r. For red light in air hitting water this gives sin r = sin i/1.33 Solving for Snell's Law for r gives the relation r = arcsin (sin i/n) Explicit Calculation In simple ray tracing, a ray originates at a point P at a directional vector v, which is of unit length. This is the set of all points P+tv where t is a non-negative scalar. When the ray hits the boundary between two different substances, it will refract, and begin a new ray.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Policing and the Constitution

The Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: Prohibits unreasonable searches and seizures and sets out requirements for search warrants based on probable cause. This amendment impacts law enforcement because police need a warrant to make arrests and searches. This is not applicable if the officer has first-hand knowledge of an event and the evidence is likely to be destroyed or the subject will abscond if time is taken to get a warrant. If a warrantless search is made by the police that should have been made only after a warrant was issued, then all knowledge gained by that evidence is not allowed in testimony. The Fifth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: Set out rules for indictment by grand jury and eminent domain, protects the right to due process, and prohibits self-incrimination and double jeopardy. This means that the officer does not determine innocence or guilt. She or he only determines probable cause of belief of guilt. Also, an officer cannot force a person to bear witness against himself. If a person is tried and a verdict is given, that person cannot be tried again. Accused persons cannot be forced to say anything. Eminent domain is the power of a government to take private property for public use, usually with compensation paid to the owner. The Sixth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: Protects the right to a fair and speedy public trial by jury, including the rights to be notified of accusations, to confront the accuser, to obtain witnesses and to retain counsel. This means the subject has the right to counsel before, during, and after questioning. Should the subject request the presence of an attorney, questioning should cease until counsel arrives. Probable cause is one of the fundamental protections built into the criminal justice system by the founding generation of the United States. Probable cause is the standard by which an officer or agent of the law has the grounds to obtain a warrant for, or as an exception to the warrant requirements for, making an arrest or conducting a personal or property search, etc. when criminal charges are being considered. This term comes from the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution. The exclusionary rule is a rule in which any evidence that is obtained in violation of the accused’s rights under the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments, as well as any evidence derived from illegally obtained evidence, will not be admissible in criminal court. The exclusionary rule has been controversial for decades because many people believe that it is unconstitutional and not helpful the finding the truth in criminal proceedings. The name fruit of the poisonous tree is thus a metaphor: the poisonous tree is evidence seized in an illegal arrest, search, or interrogation by law enforcement. The fruit of this poisonous tree is evidence later discovered because of knowledge gained from the first illegal search, arrest, or interrogation. The poisonous tree and the fruit are both excluded from a criminal trial. The fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine is an offspring of the exclusionary rule. The Miranda rights, also known as Miranda warning, is a warning given by police in the United States to criminal suspects in police custody before they are interrogated to preserve the admissibility of their statements against them in criminal proceedings. Your Miranda rights are your rights as per being under arrest. If you are not under arrest they may detain you, but cannot lock you up unless by reasonable evidence they can prove that you are guilty of the crime in which they would more than likely arrest you. Questioning is not a reasonable excuse to lock you up without circumstantial evidence. They do not need to notify you unless they search your property, or person in which they would need a warrant and also do not need notification with accurate evidence against you. Your Miranda warning reads as followed: You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak with an attorney and to have an attorney present during questioning. If you so desire and cannot afford one, an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning. An arrest is the taking into custody of a citizen for the purpose of detaining him or her on a criminal charge. Frisking is a search of a person’s outer clothing wherein a person runs his or her hands along the outer garments to detect any concealed weapons or contraband. A stop takes place when a law enforcement officer has reasonable suspicion that a criminal activity is about to take place. An interrogation is the direct questioning of a suspect to gather evidence of criminal activity and to try to gain a confession. A custodial interrogation occurs when a suspect is under arrest or is deprived of his or her freedom in a significant manner. A reading of the Miranda warning is only required before a custodial interrogation. An interrogation is when you are not in custody, and a custodial interrogation is when you are in custody.

Infectious Disease

* What is the infectious agent (pathogen) that causes this infectious disease? For example, the name of the bacteria, virus, or parasite. Hepatitis A is a contagious liver disease that comes from the Hepatitis A virus (HAV). There isn’t a treatment for the disease once you get it. How is this infectious agent transmitted through food or water? Hepatitis A is contracted from eating food and drinking water contaminated with human feces. Eating raw and undercooked fish that was in contaminated waters contribute to the disease. Sometimes eating raw produce that have been contaminated can also cause the illness. Foods that have been sitting out in the air and have had bacteria growth on it and eaten also contribute to the disease. * What is an example of a real life outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States? * What are the clinical symptoms, duration of the disease, and treatment if any? During Hepatitis A some symptoms of the disease are fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dark urine, clay colored bowel movements and joint pain. In 70% of the cases Jaudice is the most common symptom. Symptoms can last up to 2 months. The average time of incubation is 28 days. Once contracted, there is no treatment. The individual has the illness to run its course. * What steps can be taken to prevent further outbreaks? Include individual as well as environmental precautions and methods. To prevent further outbreaks, people should have good hygiene including wash their hands often especially when they deal with food preparation. There has also been a vaccination created for Hepatitis A that is given to children between their first and second birthday. Others that should get vaccinated are men having sex with men, people traveling to Central and Southern America, Mexico, Asia (except Japan), Africa and eastern Europe and people that use street drugs. Once you are immune to Hepatitis A you can’t get it again. To prevent the spread of Hepatitis A in water, chlorine is added to the water in US.